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Tag: queerswana

Episode 184 [in English]: Ahmad Ray

Ahmad Ray is a queer activist and creator from Palestine, currently living in Canada and building a following on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Ranging from light to serious, their content focuses on glimpses of queer Arab life, Palestinian liberation, and social taboos within their communities. This episode focused on Ahmad’s challenges since immigrating to Canada and their experience becoming an online creator. They explain how they’ve navigated hate from Zionists, heteronormative Palestinians, and privileged members of the Arab diaspora, as well as the suppression of pro-Palestinian content on social media platforms. However, they have also received an overwhelming amount of positive responses from people with similar experiences. We discuss the underappreciated emotional labor of being a content creator for an audience of marginalized people, particularly one who responds to personal messages seeking support. 

Stay tuned for a future episode with Ahmad focusing on queer life in Palestine!

Follow Ahmad on their social media platforms!

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Episode 183 [in English]: Coming Around

Eman Abdelhadi is a second generation Palestinian-Egyptian academic, activist, and artist based in Chicago, IL. She’s also the subject of the upcoming documentary Coming Around, which follows her close and evolving relationship with her mother over the past six years, including Eman’s decision to come out as queer. Eman discussed what it was like to have intimate moments of her life documented, the importance of representing both herself and her mother outside a binary lens of good and bad, and the subversion of the singular coming out story most prominent in Western media. 

Eman also talked about coming into the public eye as part of a wave of queer Muslim activists following the 2016 Orlando shooting, how the public discourse surrounding that intersection shifted during and after the Trump era, and her current work as an organizer with the Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity.

Additionally, we discussed her research on gender differences in Muslim-Americans’ ties to religious communities as adults as well as her upcoming book (co-written with ME O’Brien) Everything for Everyone: An Oral History of the New York Commune 2052-2072, set in a post-disaster, post-capitalist, post-national world.

**Coming Around is currently crowdfunding for the final stage of their production process! You can donate to help this film come to life! **

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