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Tag: shades of colour

Episode 62 in English: Edmonton Pride – Why was it Canceled?

We got to talk with Fatima, living in Edmonton, who witnessed firsthand the issues that led to Edmonton Pride getting canceled.  This is a case of queer POC folks getting shut down and ignored, which is sadly something that happens way too often even within the queer population.  Queer people of color are already marginalized, and to be further marginalized by fellow queer people is incredibly isolating.  Because Edmonton Pride did not provide information on their website, and because the news sources that cover the situation do not specify what happened, the best sources are individuals – such as Fatima – who saw what happened.  We are so grateful to Fatima for stepping up and talking about this.  Please, please, please support 2 wonderful organizations that are tirelessly working to advocate alongside queer brown and indigenous folks:  Shades of Colour and RARICA Now!
Instagram handles: @shadesofcolouryeg,  @raricanow

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